Newborn Photography Tips
Have a question about Los Angeles newborn baby photography or my studio? It's been far too long since we've had one of these Q&A sessions!
I'm passionate about sharing the knowledge I've gained over my 25-year photography career, and I'm here to answer any inquiries you may have. Consider it my way of paying it forward for all the incredible mentors who guided me along the way.
Feel free to drop your questions in the comments below. Whether you're curious about newborn photography techniques, studio setup tips, or anything else related to my work, I'm here to help!
I'll do my best to respond to all your questions as time allows. Keep an eye on this post over the next couple of days, as I'll be checking back periodically to provide answers. And remember, please limit your questions to one per customer 😉.
Jun 2, 2017, 5:13:14 PM
Johanna - You mentioned you use a strobe for newborn photos (am I right?) do you block out the natural light when using the studio light? when do you use natural light? I love the clean and natural look of you pictures and I know lighting is key. Can you share your thoughts on that. I am trying to decide if I need to invest in a strobe or keep learning how to use natural light. The problem with natural light is that is not as consistent. Would love to hear your thoughts. thanks. Your work is amazing!
May 11, 2017, 7:52:32 PM
Maxine Evans - Hi Meg,
Great question! They sort of do it on their own so it's pretty random. Some babies will smile a lot in their sleep :-)
May 11, 2017, 7:50:20 PM
Meg - How do you get smiles out of a newborn?
Apr 25, 2017, 1:54:38 PM
Maxine Evans - Thank you! I think I mentioned this below but I use the Einstein by Paul Buff
Apr 25, 2017, 10:28:41 AM
Patti - Your work is amazing. Can you share a pullback of your lighting setup? What lighting do you have?
Mar 31, 2017, 5:30:34 AM
Maxine Evans - PPA offers great insurance policies but you should be able to get business insurance from the same company that offers your home owners or auto insurance. :-)
Mar 30, 2017, 4:57:32 PM
Corinne - What insurance do your recommend for photographers?
Thank you!! Love your work!
Mar 28, 2017, 11:25:56 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Steph,
Oh gosh, I have sooooo many favorite vendors. I'm always afraid to mention because then I leave someone out! LOL
for my blankets and backdrops I use Roses and Ruffles, Freebird Prop Shoppe and Fancy Fabrics.
Other favorites are Becky Gregory Intuition, Wildblossom Props, Mia Joy Studio, No 2 Willow Lane, Lavender Grey, Baby Bliss... there's a zillion! LOL
Mar 28, 2017, 11:21:51 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Shelbie,
Thank you for your question and your sweet compliment.
I do custom white balance in camera and occasionally adjust in Lightroom if I think it needs a slight tweak.
In regards to baby's skin I do a combo of hand editing and actions that I have made as well as Paint the Moon actions by my lovely friend Annie Manning. I do my best to get it right in camera but I'm not always successful. I seem to get a lot of jaundice babies. I do try to keep baby looking like baby, instead of doing the same skin tone on each baby if that makes sense.
Hope this helps!
Mar 28, 2017, 8:17:24 AM
Steph - Hello Maxine,
I would love to know where your go to places are for props ? I love all of yours and the way you incorporate them in your images.
Mar 28, 2017, 8:13:44 AM
Shelbie - Love your work! It is absolutely stunning. What Photoshop technique do you use on baby skin? I love the creamy smooth look! Any other Photoshop techniques you find are your go-to?
To piggy back another response, do you do custom WB in camera or in post?
Thank you so so much!
Mar 26, 2017, 7:35:35 PM
Maxine Evans - Hi Bev,
This is a GREAT question!!! I love your passion and excitement. There are tons of different opinions on pricing when you're starting out. For me it was a non-issue because this has been my only career. I've been a professional photographer since my mid twenties and I just turned 50.
I personally think it's important to be up-front with your client. Explain to them your are starting out and building your portfolio. Be honest with them about your experience and then tell them and only then that their price will be based on that. I don't mind when new photographers charge less as they build but I don't care for when they are not upfront with their clients. I get many clients that come to me after having a session with an "affordable" photographer only to learn that their affordable photographer was totally inexperienced. I'm not saying you're not up front, I'm just going on. LOL. Anyway, I would charge something that covers your time and not knowing the price point in your area I would say at least half of what professionals are charging. But raise them as you get better. Don't stay cheap! You'll never get out of that price point. Also, you don't have to do everything. Pick a specialty and be the very best at it! One last thing, HAVE INSURANCE! You must carry insurance for a zillion reasons, especially with weddings where you can't reshoot it. I lied, one more thing. Always carry a backup camera :-) Hope this helps!
Mar 26, 2017, 4:19:19 PM
Bev Melrose - Thank you for letting me ask you a question! I love taking pictures of just about everything and anything starting with my boys and their sports and my two granddaughters!
I've been taking pictures for many years and now that I'm close to retiring from Nursing I've become a bit more serious about photography. I've taken a few weekend classes on beginner photography, enrolled in NYIP complete photography course and loving it, lots of online research and following many photographers like yourself! You do amazing work!!
I've taken many photos at family functions and have done my first wedding, which was overwhelming to say! I've done many graduation pictures and getting into the newborn part of photography for friends.
I guess my question to you is, as an amateur photographer in how should I be charging? And when did you decide to go professional? I am slowly increasing my equipment and learning light placements.
I use a canon 60D and usually use 85 mm, and my kit lens that came with my camera. (55-250mm, 50mm)
Thank you for your time!
Bev Melrose
Mar 26, 2017, 10:51:32 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Karrie,
You're so kind. I disagree that it's flawless but I appreciate your sweet compliment. The one thing I do is practice, all the time and adjust my lighting during the session.
I don't use a reflector and generally have my light at about a 45 degree angle to the bean bag for example. But as I pose I may have to more the light as I go. Much easier to move the light then more the baby. I definitely prefer a brighter image and am guilty of over exposing! It's my worst habit for sure.
Hope this helps! :-)
Mar 26, 2017, 9:37:08 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Danielle,
I mentioned my lighting set up above but remember light is light. Used correctly (which I don't always), it shouldn't matter what light source you use given you have enough light.
I do custom white balance. Grey card.
Editing time depends on baby's skin but usually 1-3 hours.
I offer all inclusive full sessions.
My newborn sessions take 2-3 hours, baby milestone 45 minutes.
Mar 26, 2017, 9:32:29 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Susan, I love you!!!
Wish I had the big boy camera but I currently shoot with a Canon 5D MIV and go back and forth between the 50mm and 35mm.
I've always been a Canon girl!!
Mar 26, 2017, 9:31:37 AM
Karrie - Maxine,
Your lighting is flawless. How can someone achieve similiar results? I do like shadowy images but your lighting technique is one of my favorites, so is the secret in the light source, reflector or no reflector? Thank you for allowing this q&a,
Mar 26, 2017, 8:15:57 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Anna,
It's my pleasure and thank you for the compliment!
I actually don't offer incentives or first year packages. Hopefully, they like my work (and myself) enough to come back.
Mar 26, 2017, 8:09:03 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Anastasia,
Thank you for your compliment!
I'm not sure the dimensions of my bowls (I'm working from home today). They aren't too big.
I don't really advertise, I've done just about everything but I find a strong website ranking and referrals is the best way to generate inquiries. I do believe in investing in an SEO specialist to run through your website and give you tips.
I'm not sure what you mean about do I have issues with clients not wanting to take their newborns out, if they don't want to come to the studio they don't book with me. There are tons of photographers around me that do in-home session. I never argue with my perspective clients over that. It's whatever they are comfortable with.
I do take into consideration a clients color preferences.
Hope this helps
Mar 26, 2017, 8:02:52 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Geraldine,
Gosh, it sounds like you're doing everything right. Moving is tough, especially when you have to figure out your new demographic. I would hang tight and let your site pull up in the rankings again. I find this time of year (tax time) things tend to be a little slower as money is in the for front of everyone's mind. I generally don't like running specials but perhaps that might help stir some interest?
Mar 26, 2017, 7:40:10 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Erika,
Thank you for your sweet compliment and thinking I could mentor! I don't offer mentoring. I'm not a great teacher to be honest. I leave teaching up to those that have that gift. I can tell you what to do but not how to do it ;-)
Mar 26, 2017, 7:15:16 AM
Susan - Love your work - love your skin tones - love your studio - love your website. Always curious about gear - Canon or Nikon? Or are you using a (be still, my heart...) midframe camera? Thanks for doing this. I'll be checking in later in the day after my one-year old photo session this afternoon. :)
Mar 26, 2017, 7:07:34 AM
Danelle - I adore your photography! I struggle working efficiently!! I photograph with natural light but am sometimes tempted to try lighting (would this cut down on editing time?) do it so well and it looks so natural. Any advice on this? Do you use continuous light?
other questions ... I really appreciate your input!!
Do you use continuous lighting for newborns?
What type of sessions do you offer for newborns? mini? full?
How long do sessions typically last?
How many images are in a gallery? newborn and maternity
How long does it take to edit the session?
Do you custom white balance? If so, method?
Thank you! Danelle
Mar 26, 2017, 6:55:57 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Wendy,
That's a great question and it really depends on the baby and why they won't sleep. If they are hungry, gassy or just alert... etc. Sometimes it's just a matter of waiting it out.
Mar 26, 2017, 6:54:37 AM
Maxine Evans - Hi Tricia,
I use both natural and studio light in my studio. For my newborn sessions I use studio light. Paul Buff Einstein and the white 86' PLM with the black cover. :-)
And thank you!
Mar 26, 2017, 6:13:33 AM
Anna - Hi Maxine, thank you for this q&a! :)
My question is what are your incentives to keep people coming back? (from newborn to milestones to 1 year ect.)
Thank you, and also love your work! <3
Mar 26, 2017, 6:02:30 AM
Anastasia - Hi! Love your work! Wanted to ask, what are the dimensions of that white bowl that you use for sitters sessions? You use it for newborns as well, correct?
Also curious to know
- what channels of advertising work best for you (if you dont mind sharing). I tried a campaign for instagram via Fb account, had 183 people go to 1st page of my website, but not futher (not to Portfolio or Pricing). I found this weird (bots?)
- do clients have issues with taking a newborn out of their house, to a studio? How do you work with such arguments?
- do you let clients choose color/bowls/clothing?
Thank you in advance!
Mar 26, 2017, 5:57:52 AM
Geraldine Bien - Hi Maxine,
Thanks for doing this! Your work is amazing!
I've just recently moved and need to re-set up my business. I've just taken Beth Wade's SEO class which was amazing! I'm blogging, posting on IG, Facebook, google plus & twitter. I'm also a member of my local neighborhood lost serve...
I'm trying my best to get the word out there but it's been a couple of months now and my inbox is empty -ugh I'm ready to work. Do you think a google ad is worth while. I'm kind of at my wits end :(
Mar 26, 2017, 5:35:11 AM
Erika - Do offer mentoring sessions? I just love your straight forward positive attitude and your work is amazing. Thank you!
Mar 26, 2017, 3:53:09 AM
Wendy S - Hi Maxine,
Thank you for doing this again! My question is what do you do when baby won't sleep?
Mar 26, 2017, 3:51:59 AM
Tricia - What lighting are you using now? What modifier? Thanks! I love your work